Friday, October 28, 2005

The Elasticity of Words

Bush said (speaking of I.-Lewis-in-deep-shit-Libby), "In our system, each individual is presumed innocent and entitled to due process and a fair trial."

I think he meant to end that statement with "unless you live here."

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Bus strike. Over a month now. Am rendered immobile except for bike, feet, and the occasional car. People don't understand that when I say "I walked to school today" it means I CLIMBED A FUCKING MOUNTAIN, MUTHERFUCKER. If I don't slim down to a svelte size 6 after all of this, I'm giving up and eating cake batter for lunch EVERY DAY and my pilates DVD (yes Elliot, it's true) is going to become a coaster for my tall, tall glasses of half and half.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Evil Twins

Originally uploaded by angryf.
We're practicing our "sexy faces" and Allen just happened to be there to snap a photo.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Just Saw...

Everything is Illuminated

Highly, highly recommend. I'm taking a class right now entitled "The Anthropology of Jews and Jewishness". Anyone who knows me well knows that Jewishness is one of my obsessions. This movie merely served to feed this unhealthy preocupation. I have to admit here and now that if I looked more Jewish....I would have a hard time not telling people that I am. But I am, of course, not.