Thursday, January 12, 2006

Don't get any ideas, now....

Did I ever spew rainbows all over this page and gab about Pacific Ave. on Halloween afternoon!?! I forgot to, probably because of the gushing that will ensue. Our cute little beach town blocks off Pacific Ave. on Halloween afternoon for the kiddies. Phil had to take pictures for the magazine, so I tagged along. All I can say is it was hard to put the condom on that night. I mean, did you all know how cute kids are!?! Sometimes I forget when I see them screaming in the grocery line. There were, however, adorable children galore at this event and I think the whole thing was some kind of government-sponsored initiative to get the straight people breeding at a higher, more fanatical rate. No one can look at that cuteness and not think "Hmmmm, I could make one of those."

Thursday, January 05, 2006


My Friend Leonard by James Frey

Paul Simon, American Tune