Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I Feel A Deep Need To Tell This Story

Being one who rarely thinks about the supernatural world, seeing as I am one who doesn't believe there is such a thing, I was quite surprised by the following events.

This story is in no way new, in fact I've told it so many times that when I repeat it my friends will cut me off three seconds into it and say, "yes, we know about the spider and how you saved Phil from it... more tea?" I think I hold onto the story as if it is a sign that yes, I am Phil's personal Jesus and he better love me for it. This is how the story goes.

We were sleeping. Soundly. The soundness of our sleeping is key here. I woke with a start (notice how most of the excitement that takes place in the BairdHolt brigade is at night, usually in the vicinity of the bed...see this and this if you don't believe me) and I was immediately panicked and felt some deep, primal need to protect Phil. My eyes shot through the dark and focused on a massive spider dangling just above Phil's head. JUST ABOVE IT. He had like, 3 seconds and 6 inches. Ok, that came out wrong. Nevertheless, I shoved him awake and we flew off of the bed going two opposite directions-the directions both being away from the spider of death. We turned on the lights and the fat, round creature plopped audibly onto Phil's pillow right where his head had been.

What is still so remarkable to me is that I was instantly looking at the spider when I awoke. It was so instinctual and otherworldly it was as though I had a sixth spider sense. And while it didn't restore my faith in the baby Jebus, it did make me question that whole water into wine shpeal. There are some things I could get into.


At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hum, i thought it was an evil pegion too?... I'm so confused.


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