Thursday, February 02, 2006

Lists! Lists! Lists! AKA "I don't have any well-constructed declarative sentences left after my week of paper-writing"

Top 5 Songs in My Life Right Now:
1. Lovely Head......Goldfrapp
2. Moses......Patty Griffin
3. Elephant Woman......Blonde Redhead
4. La Foule.......Edith Piaf
5. Daniel......Elton John

Top 5 Books in My Life Right Now:
1. The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America by Michael Taussig (I'm having a very promiscuous love affair with Taussig and Marx right now....I think they both would understand.)
2. What's Love Got To Do With It?: Transnational Desires and Sex Tourism in the Dominican Republic by Denise Brennan
3. Gramsci, Culture, and Anthropology by Kate Crehan
4. The Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood
5. NOT My Friend Leonard by James Frey.....When all this stuff broke out, I couldn't bring myself to finish this book. Ick.

Top 5 Random Phenomena in My Life Right Now:
1.'s new LOOKBOOK function.
2. New Cydwoqs. Ebay is my bitch.
3. Not freaking out over the fact that I may not get an A in my Primate Behavioral Ecology class. It may happen, and I'm prepared, sort of.
4. Seeing the Violent Femmes tonight.
5. The following conversation:

P: You need to stay need lederhosen! (he pronounced it LEEderhosen)
T: No, Lederhosen are shorts and shorts aren't warm...and besides, it's "LAYderhosen," not "LEEderhosen."
P: Well....(long pause)....I say it LEEderhosen, 'cause I'm the LEADER of the household! And you say LAYderhosen because you're a LADY!

Hmmmm, you say to-may-toe and I say to-mau-toe, let's call the whole thing "using gender inequalities to weasel your way out of BEING WRONG."


At 6:15 AM, Blogger B. C. Lovato said...

mmm..Gramsci. Have you read the Prison Notebooks yet? What are your classes like? I'm interested. I miss school and I've only been out for like a month.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger tawny&julie said...

Hey! I was so incredibly bummed that we were'nt in town to see you on New Years!!! Good Times Are Ahead, though, and I'm sure I will get to meet your lovely wife sometime in the next few decades!

Havn't read the prison notebooks yet..I hear they're a bit disjointed--as I suppose one would expect notebooks written in prison to be :). I'm in a Survey of Cultural Anthropology Theory class that is pretty rockin'. I'll admit I hadn't had much exposure to heavier theory in the past as most of my classes have been ethnography-based. Actually, I'm more acquainted with feminist theories and theorists from my work in the Feminist Studies Dept. here @ UCSC. I'm also taking a class on Transnational Migrations in the Femst Dept. and Primate Behavioral Ecology. Pretty fun quarter.

I can tell you miss school--you're writing up a storm on your blog! i do that too when I'm itching for school.

What are your plans now?

At 9:37 AM, Blogger B. C. Lovato said...

eh, the plan is to wait on hearing back from phd programs. i need me some schoolin'.


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