Monday, August 22, 2005

The Ten Most Illuminated Moments of the Past Week

10-Dressing Lluvy for a photoshoot and seeing our clothing on a woman so gorgeous I was waiting for her immaculate finish to crack.
9-Having Greg tell me I was dressed like I should be in a video for a popular early-90's techno song...."Now I couldn't dance with another"....just the look I was going for. kind of.
8-Listening to Matt name an article of our clothing "the cat-in-the-hat sweater". I think we need to hire him to be our professional name-thinker-upper.
7-Seeing a person get outrageously excited about receiving a bike accessory for her berfday. Elliot, safety first, use that light!
6-Looking through the pictures Matt took and being stunned into speechlessness. I've realized that there are few things I like more than dressing up beautiful girls and asking them to hang out in front of a camera.
5-Talking with garriet 'bout black and white movies and being convinced that, maybe, I might watch one someday.
4-Finding out one of my friends is out to his Christian parents and they haven't disowned him. Oh how I adore social evolution.
3-Seeing Julie be "fancy" as she put it.
2-Discovering Trader Joe's Tuna in Yellow Curry Sauce. There are few things more delicious.
1-Seeing Phil after we'd been apart for more than 5 days. Thank the lord for birth control, or I'd totally be pregnant three times over by now.


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