Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Prozac Nation

So far, it's been a strange ride--being a self-proclaimed radical feminist and working from home (I co-own a small clothing company with my chica Julie). My standard joke is now "yeah, I sew, cook for my husband, knit, do laundry, do housework, and yeah, I'm a feminist, sure I am." I've always thought feminism to be about an increased number of choices for women and a hard look at masculinity alongside femininity. In the past, it's been hard for me to realize that "feminist" friends I had were planning on halting their careers as soon as little ones arrived. I guess it just took me aback 'cause I can think of nothing more horrific and nerve-racking than being at home all day with someone under five. Yikes. But, hey, I'm not all women, and kudos to them if they can dig it, it's a job way too hard for me. But, I think I've found what I would hate even more than that-being home alone. I feel like a Mormon housewife, sans the 13 children and Doctrine of Covenants, living in Utah, prozac capital of the nation. I no longer wonder why those ladies are tossin em back. This is driving me up the wall.


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