Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Tao of Blog

I feel that I have developed many, many blog personalities. Most of these personalities have big bad attitudes and are more into who they aren't than who they are. For example, I know I don't want to have the kind of blog where I make lists of the sappy lessons life has taught me and end the list with some little summary of "what life is all about" and how " you just gotta believe in yourself." I know I don't want the kind of blog where I say unkind things about other people under the guise of poetry or use my blog to perpetuate Drama. I have, indeed, fallen prey to this blogging style in the past and will admit, although it was used for mild amounts of evilness which I really don't regret, I think I can do better. I don't want the kind of blog that turns into a ME party (you're thinking Hmmmm, try harder, bitch) because the kind of people who disclose carefully chosen details (chosen to make the blogger seem exceedingly interesting and charming) pertaining to themselves on their personal websites are the kinds of people who get really into those godforsaken questionnaires that circulate to every bloody person on their email list asking them who they'd fuck in what position while eating what food while listening to what music. I want none of that. I'm mostly interested in documentation and am perhaps a little people-starved. I miss my people and feel a bit closer to them when I imagine them getting bored halfway through my blog and wanting to call me so I can bore them over the phone. While the latter is a bit more expensive, a personal touch is always nice.


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