Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The crisis

Today I woke up, got dressed, did homework, left home, got on the bus and got onto campus only to find that I, Tawny Lynn Holt, was out in the big, scary, judgmental world without deodorant on. The horror which promptly overtook me caused me to maintain rigid posture all day long as I looked for widely vacant seats on the bus and in classrooms. The fear that someone might be offended by my stench so controlled my day that I ran immediately home from school without doing my usual strolling and coffee-drinking downtown in order to apply thick layers of Mitchum deodorant, which is, by the way, the very, very best, when it's used daily, of course. After this hoopla I realized, THIS IS SANTA CRUZ!!! What am I thinking? I smell BO every day! I smell dreadlock stinkyness too! Every day! I smell people's weird all-natural-science-experiment-looking breakfasts brought to class in mason jars too! Every day! There is no need to fear one's own fragrance here in the land of tofu, yoga, and redwoods.


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