Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Corporation

Go rent it. It's very well done in that it has interviews with both the critics of modern capitalism and the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. (one reviewer said "Better manners and longer fuse than Fahrenheit 9/11") Doubles as an economics lesson. Point of greatest impact and interest to me: The functions and attributes of a corporation have been judicially constructed (meaning they have not always been this way, they may not alwayss be this way, they could have been otherwise, etc.) and yet they have been naturalized as being always, already present in our understanding of economics. Thesis of the documentary: Seeing as a corporation has legal protections and responsibilities under the law as though the corporation is a person (this phenomenon could be called "14th amendment abuse"), if we were to diagnose the psychological well-being of any corporation as a person we would find that most would be diagnosed as being psychotic.


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