Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The 10 Greatest Things In My Life Right Now

10. Creme Brulee French Toast (pictured above) a.k.a. MOPJ.
9. Free bus rides.
8. Listening to NPR while playing Bookworm. These two actions must be acted in careful simultaneous-ness. There is no other way. (Thanks Allen)
7. Gossiping on the phone about Allen. (Sorry Allen, word travels fast)
6. The Wide World of Crafters. A world so wide in its wideness.
5. The Monster Baby, a.k.a. Phil's new friend. (pictured above)
3. Julie getting DSL.
2. Living close enough to Modesto to visit so often people forget we don't live there anymore, but far enough from Modesto that I don't have to see W, Bush/Cheney/2004, or Viva Bush! stickers anymore...WE GOT IT!! YOU WON!! GOOD FOR FUCKING YOU!!
1. The flowers on my table given to me by an Indian guy on the street in celebration of International Women's Day. He was giving them to people, he said, in the name of his Mother.


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